The Lissier is the fruit of Nicole's imagination...

“Fascinated by the richness and beauty of French heritage, I am convinced that it can emerge from museums and be linked to our daily lives.”

It was at the end of 2017 that I had the idea of ​​recycling precious furnishing fabrics stored in my grandparents' closets to revive them through a timeless object that links generations: the sneaker.

It was after an experience in fashion, at the end of 2017, that I gathered scraps of precious antique fabrics to complete those that my grandmother had given me: mohair velvet, golden brocatelles, hammered moire... It's Versailles!

Some curious friends come to choose their fabric scraps in my Parisian apartment to make their future sneakers.

The sketches finalized, production is launched. Nicole, founder Le Lissier

Lady and Unicorn Tapestry, 16th century